Engineered Wood Floor

Engineered wood flooring is both cost effective, as well as providing the look and feel of traditional wooden floors. These floors come in many colors, textures, and plank widths. To understanding engineered hardwood flooring, we need to take it one layer at a time. Like real hardwood flooring the top layer is the natural wood. Which is what the eye sees. Eventually however, this layer after a period of time can become weathered, scratched, or worn. This top layer can be stripped of its finished, sanded down and have a new layer of finish applied to it. Beneath the top layer is a softwood known as plywood, which is what gives stability to the top layer. Below the softwood is end reinforcement which is what joins the piece of the flooring together. Which provides what is known as tongue-groove that effect each plank together. The final bottom layer of the plank is the backing veneer, which is what adheres to the foundation of the floor. Bringing support and strength to each plank. The beauty of engineered flooring is the ability to have the floors sanded and refinished if need be in the future. Which can make your floors look like new again, extending the life of the floor. Let one of our expert, sand and refinishers answer any questions you may have regarding the process.

Vinyl Plank

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Laminate Floors

Laminate flooring has fast become a popular choice for many residents as well as commercial buyers in South Orange County and surrounding areas. Due to the durability, maintenance, and affordability as compared to other types of hard surface floors. Today, Laminate Flooring can come in many different styles. Many laminate floor producers have mastered the ability to replicate closely a natural wood appearance, for a fraction of the cost. The care and maintenance for a laminate floor is relatively simple, especially for high traffic home and public locations. A simple vacuuming or sweeping is usually all that is required.


Our services, products and equipment all aim to leave your floors with the best results possible. Our extensive experience in hardwood flooring installation, sanding and refinishing helps to guarantee this!

Some of the services we offer include:

Sand & Refinish Floors:

We only use the best sanding equipment available, leaving your floors with the best result possible

Floor Repair:

Our dustless equipment restores the beauty of your floors without the mess!

Water Damage Repair:

Our custom stains & finishes get the best finished product you could ask for. We can repair damaged or buckling floors, patch work, scratches, dents and dings.

Floor Refinishing:

If you have solid hardwood floors, they may be in need of a refinish. We carry only the finest flooring manufacturers for the best services.

Serving Interior Designers & Customers

New Life Flooring also offers the option of solid wood floor installation and service. Bring your design project & recommendations to life by partnering with New Life Flooring for your hardwood flooring needs.
Hardwood floors are designed to last a lifetime, and can be refinished rather than replaced. One of the many benefits of installing a new solid hardwood floor is the ability to choose from a large spectrum of wood. There are over 50 different types of wood, some domestic and some exotic. Regardless of what style of decor you desire there is a variety of wood species to choose from. A few options we provide include: hickory, pine, oak, maple, walnut, ash, birch, cherry, douglas fir, mahogany, teak, weng, bamboo, beech, walnut, brazillian cherry and more!

We carry only the finest flooring manufacturers, including: Lauzon, Mullican, Armstrong, Anderson, Garrison, Bruce, Provenza, Max Windsor, Urban Floors, and Mannington, among others.